Satyam was now feeling tired. For the last 5 hours, he had been driving non-stop. Although his Bullet was comfortable and strong but the rough terrain was too much to handle even for a seasoned biker like him. He had been on this bike trail for now almost 7 days. The beautiful snow-capped mountains, blue sky, and rivers along the way had connected him with a new Satyam. Read article
College Reunions : Time To Relive Those Golden Times
College Reunions are bound to be funny and emotional. Older the reunion batch, funnier and emotional they become. One’s beautiful classmates now look more like one’s mother in law and self too looks more like uncles of the female classmates. Read article
Alma Mater Friends : A Short Story
It was raining and he was feeling nostalgic. He was sitting in his corner office and sipping hot coffee
after a hectic day full of meetings and discussions. Everything was perfect but rain was reminding
him of his old friends and good old college days. Read article
4 Reasons Companies Use Bollywood Movies for Brand Promotion
1. Bollywood is a Religion in India: It is an open secret that Bollywood is a religion in India. Masses flock to the cinemas to worship their favorite stars like Gods. Like religion, Bollywood takes the masses on a journey of entertainment. For three hours, people forget their daily routine and go on a flight of fantasy with their beloved stars. Brands understand this unique relationship between their target customers and Bollywood and try to piggy ride on the same. Read article
Saying It All With Just One Word
“Brevity is the soul of wit .” – William Shakespeare. Nobody could have said this better. True feelings and true emotions, when they arise from the depth of the heart, are always concise and precise.
There are many ways of expressing your true innermost feelings to the outside world. One of the latest and the easiest way of doing that is by wearing a customized printed hoodie or T-shirt. Read article